Automation and Digitization in the Laundry Industry

1. The Rise of Smarter, Interconnected Machines

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), industrial laundry machines have become smarter and more interconnected. This connectivity allows businesses to optimize resources, automate processes, and enhance productivity. Here's how:

  • Remote Management: Laundromats and commercial laundries can now be managed remotely, reducing staff costs. Industrial laundries have even introduced robotics for sorting, washing, and folding¹.

  • Efficient Task Management: Automation makes it easier than ever to handle larger volumes of laundry efficiently. Whether it's smart washers, dryers, or folding machines, interconnected systems streamline operations.

2. Software Solutions for Enhanced Efficiency

Electrolux Professional, for instance, offers software tools that add value to laundry processes:

  • Laundry Program Manager: This intuitive tool lets you create or customize washer and dryer programs from your PC. It ensures an optimized wash process.

  • ClarusVibe: Simplifying laundry management, ClarusVibe's customizable control panel allows operators to update washing programs on-screen. It comes pre-loaded with relevant industry-specific programs and regulations¹.

3. Intelligent Enhancements for Cost Savings

Managing costs is crucial for any business. Here are some intelligent enhancements:

  • Intelligent Dosing: Electrolux Professional's ClarusVibe models automatically deliver the right amount of detergents based on the load weight. This smart feature optimizes the wash process and reduces chemical costs.

  • Comprehensive Packages: It's not just about buying a washing solution; it's about selecting a package of services and innovative benefits that contribute to long-term savings¹.

4. Practical Payments and Customer Convenience

Even coin-operated laundries are evolving:

  • Card Payment Systems: Innovative tech developments, like card payment systems, make it easier for customers to pay for laundry services.

  • Speed Queen Insights: Speed Queen's technology for vended laundries includes insights and an app for seamless customer experiences².


Whether it's Milnor, Electrolux, or other industry players, automation and smart technology are shaping the future of commercial and industrial laundry. Businesses that embrace these trends will stay ahead in efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Happy laundering! ¹²


(1) Automation, insourcing and digitalization: The trends set to influence ....

(2) Technology, connectivity and innovation for a more automated future.

(3) Home Page - Pellerin Milnor Corporation.


Revitalize Your Laundromat: The Power of Upgrading Your Commercial Laundry Equipment